Our Elected Leadership

Church Committees 2024

Pastors, staff and church members serve together to lead our congregation. Every fall, our nominations committee presents a slate of candidates for election to our annual meeting, known as our Charge Conference. Elected leaders take office on January 1 of the following year.

Administrative Council

This body serves to connect all of our elected leadership, set the overall direction for our congregation, and make decisions in support of this direction. Most members of the Ad Council serve by virtue of the office they hold on another committee, making the Ad Council a representative body of leadership. In 2024, these are the Ad Council Members.

  • CHAIR:
    Monty Porter
  • Vice Chair:
    Gary Dowdy
  • Pastor:
    Gérard Nsabimana
  • Admin Assist:
    Chris Nichols
  • Worship Director:
    Linda Porter
  • Youth Director:
    Zach Foster
  • Children’s Director:
    Kim Bussell
  • Lay Leader:
    Monty Porter
  • Lay Member to Annual Conference:
    Tasha Casey-Loveless
  • Alt. Lay Member:
    Emerson Thomas
  • Financial Secretary:
    Linda O’Neal
  • Treasurer:
    Tad Hall
  • Chair of Finance:
    Randy Swinson
  • Chair of Trustees:
    Gary Dowdy
  • Chair of SPRC:
    Tasha Casey-Loveless
  • Chair of PEFC:
    Russ Tarpey
  • Co-Chairs of Children’s Education:
    Kim Bussell/Cassandra Cox
  • Youth Rep:
    Izzy Johnson
  • Newsletter Editor:
    Lisa Syth


Admin Council:  3rd Thurs, 7 pm
Finance:  3rd Thurs, 6:30 pm
SPRC:   Quarterly (and as needed)
Trustees:  4th Tues, 6:30 pm
PEFC:   Quarterly (Jan Apr, July, Oct): 3rd Sunday following worship


Board of Trustees

The basic responsibility of the Trustees is the care and maintenance of church property. The Trustees are the legal entity to handle business transactions for the church.

  • Chair: Gary Dowdy
  • 2024: Larry Kibbie, Tasha Casey-Loveless, Linda O’Neal
  • 2025: Ray Utter, Jacob Bussell, Jerry Lewis
  • 2026: Larry Hood, Rick Henry, TBA

Finance Committee

The finance committee annually compiles a budget for supporting the mission and vision of the local church and submits the budget to the church leadership team for review and adoption. During the year, the finance team recommends any changes to the approved annual budget to the church leadership team. This team is responsible for developing and carrying out plans to raise enough income to support the budget that has been approved. This team arranges for an annual audit of financial records and makes a report of this audit to the charge conference.

  • Finance Chair: Randy Swinson
  • Ad Council Chair: Monty Porter
  • Ad Council Vice: Gary Dowdy
  • Trustee Chair: Gary Dowdy
  • SPRC Chair: Tasha Casey-Loveless
  • Lay Leader: Monty Porter
  • Lay Member to Annual Conference: Tasha Casey-Loveless
  • Finance Secretary: Linda O’Neal
  • Treasurer: Tad Hall
  • Members at Large: Shirley Adams, Steve Lewis
  • Counters: Tad Hall, Linda O’Neal, Steve Lewis

Lay Leadership

The Nomination Committee works closely with the pastor and other church leaders to identify people and skills, match people and positions, recruit people as required by the Church Council, train people asked to serve; support leaders and members who have agreed to serve, and provide recognition for their efforts.

  • Chair: Gerard Nsabimana
  • Lay Leader: Monty Porter
  • 2024: Caapi Tarpey, Tasha Casey-Loveless, David Larson
  • 2025: Kathy Chancellor, Terry Muller, TBA
  • 2026: Kim Bussell, Cassandra Cox, TBA

Children’s Education Committee

Audit the term is used in the Discipline, is meant to be a process that provides reasonable assurance that good stewardship is being used in handling and accounting for the funds and other assets of the local church.

  • Co-Chairs: Kim Bussell/Cassandra Cox
  • 2024: Summer Leone, Jasmin Johnson, Linda Porter
  • 2025: Alina Nsabimana, Carol Ferrell, Natalie Keith
  • 2026: Janet Henry, Christina Jobson, Mark Cox

Staff Pastor Parish Relations (SPRC)

The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) confers and counsels with the pastors and paid staff in providing an effective ministry. Committee members keep the pastors and staff advised concerning conditions within the congregation, as they affect relations between the pastors or staff and the people. The committee evaluates pastors and staff and recommends salary support to the Church Council.

  • Chair: Tasha Casey-Loveless
  • 2024: Melissa Baker, Jamie Bergsten, Phyllis Bolt
  • 2025: Art Muller, Burky Curtis, Ryan Peace
  • 2026: Lisa Syth, TBA, TBA
  • Lay Leader: Monty Porter
  • Lay Delegate to Annual Conf.: Tasha Casey-Loveless

Permanent Endowment Fund Committee (PEFC)

  • Chair: Russell Tarpey
  • 2024: Keith Hall, Phyllis Bolt
  • 2025: Christina Jobson, Jacob Bussell, Marjean Johnson
  • 2026: Monty Porter, Randy Swinson

Audit Committee

Audit the term is used in the Discipline, is meant to be a process that provides reasonable assurance that good stewardship is being used in handling and accounting for the funds and other assets of the local church.

  • Randy Swinson, TBA, TBA


Serving God’s Mission in the World. (Outward Focused)
Guiding Questions: How do we help people serve God’s Mission?
How do we transform the world?

  • Chair: Gary Dowdy
  • Members: Lisa Syth, Tasha Casey-Loveless, Monty Porter Sydney Ellwanger, Zach Foster, Randy Swinson, Natalie Keith, Melody Samonte

Youth CounciL 

(filled in by Youth Council)

Audit the term is used in the Discipline, is meant to be a process that provides reasonable assurance that good stewardship is being used in handling and accounting for the funds and other assets of the local church.

  • Izzy Johnson, Bella Tipton, Emerson Thomas, Dean Hibben, Zion Hibben, Isaiah Smith, Kellen Loveless

Scouting Coordinator:

  • Brad Snider